How to Claim Cashback
Everything you need to know.If you've ordered a deal that comes with cashback by redemption and you're wondering what to do next, everything you need to know is listed here...
What is cashback?
'Cashback by redemption' means you claim five cashback instalments, at regular points during your contract. Find out all you need to know with our handy video guide.
'It is Currys Retail Limited who solely undertake to offer the above Cashback via cheque to qualifying end customers. Any queries in relation to such Cashback Offer shall be directed to by visiting My Account or calling 0330 678 0519 and not the network provider.'
How to claim
Upload or post, whichever is easiest for you
The easiest way to send us your bill is to upload it electronically through My Account.
Or if you prefer to forward your paper bill, you can post it via mail to:
PO Box 694
Salford, M5 0PJ
If you do post this, just be sure to use Recorded Delivery and keep your tracking receipt.

What to include
When selecting the correct monthly bill, always go by the issue date, not the itemisation dates. All you need to do then is send this to us within 60 days of the issue date. You only need to provide us with the pages of your bill which have the following information:
- Your name
- Your home address including full post code
- Your mobile phone number
- Your current plan
- The date of the bill
Now You Know How
Claim Cashback OnlineYour Questions Answered
Please allow up to 28 working days. This allows time for the cheque to be processed, printed, and dispatched.
It takes us up to 14 days to process your claim. If you want an update on the status of your claim, just visit My Account for further updates.
Your claim months can be found in My Account. Remember to choose each bill by its issue date, and forward this as soon as you receive it.
There’s a 60 day claim period on each instalment, which starts on your bill issue date. We’d advise you to send your bill as soon as you receive it, however.
Yes that’s fine. Just make sure the copy is clear, legible, and contains all the required info.
We need to see your name, address including post code, mobile number, tariff and bill date for the claim to be successful. All this information should be on the first two pages.
In this instance, you’ll need to send each claim separately. Upload in My Account with the corresponding order number, or if you’re posting, please only send one bill per envelope.
For a claim to be successful, the details on the bill need to match the details on your account. Just log into My Account and select Personal Details to amend any changes. This will ensure your claims aren’t rejected, and you receive your payment as soon as possible.
If posting in your bills these must be sent by recorded delivery as we cannot be held responsible for lost items or claims that arrive outside of the qualifying period stated above.
The submitted bill must include all of the following information: Your name, your address, your mobile phone number, your current tariff and the date of the bill.
We cannot accept signed-for deliveries on weekends so please bear this in mind if sending us your claim by post.
We can only accept one claim per envelope or upload. Multiple claims in one envelope or upload will result in the claim being rejected.
It is the customers responsibility to chase their claim if they have not received their cashback cheque.
If your network provider increases your line rental inline with inflation, the cashback that you claim will still be worked out and paid using the line rental you signed up to. For example, if you took out a £36 per month contract with your network and they increased the line rental to £36.56 per month half way through, you will still only receive cashabck worked out for £36 per month.
Cashback will not be paid if
- You do not complete the minimum term (12, 18 or 24 months) of your contract.
- If your account is not up to date with payments.
- If the network bills sent are not for the same account and in the same name as the one eligible for the cashback.
- If your claim is received more than 60 days from the date stated on the network bill you are required to submit.
- If your contract has been disconnected (including disconnections made under Lifeline insurance).
- If the incorrect monthly bill is received.
- You do not inform us of a change in your mobile number. If you decided to change your mobile number since taking out your contract, you must notify us of the change for your cashback claim to be valid. You can tell us about your change by clicking here and logging in to your online account
- In the event that the network takes back commission for any reason, including but not restricted to tariff change down within 120 days and
late or non-payment of bills, any cashback claim will be null and void.